Tuesday, March 10, 2015

How to grow parisian carrots

Mini round carrots, or Parisian carrots, produce small round roots that aren't much larger than a small radish. These specialty carrots are especially well-suited for container gardens or growing in shallow, rocky beds where larger carrots can't develop straight roots. Mini carrots require the same planting and care as more traditional varieties. They thrive in moist soil in locations that receive six or more hours of sunlight. Plant carrots in spring or fall when soil temperatures will remain above 40 degrees Fahrenheit during the growing season.

1. Sprinkle 1 cup of 16-16-8 blend fertilizer over every 50 square feet of bed. Spread 1 inch of compost on top of the fertilizer. Till the compost and fertilizer into the top 8 inches of soil. Remove any rocks or roots from the topsoil as you till so they don't inhibit the carrot root formation.

2. Water the prepared soil until it's evenly moist to a 6-inch depth. Sprinkle the carrot seeds on top of the soil in rows set 12 to 18 inches apart, sowing about two seeds per 1 inch of row. Cover the seeds with a 1/4-inch layer of soil.

3. Mist the soil daily with a fine spray of water so the soil surface doesn't dry before the seeds germinate. Carrots take one to three weeks to germinate.

4. Thin the carrot seedlings once the plants grow 2 to 4 inches tall. Pluck out the excess seedlings so the remaining carrots are spaced 2 to 3 inches apart in the row.

5. Cover the soil with 1 inch of straw mulch after thinning to help retain moisture, prevent weeds, and to protect the top of the developing carrots from sun exposure. Pull any weeds that grow in the bed promptly so they don't inhibit root formation.

6. Water the carrots once or twice weekly. Supply about 1 inch of water at each irrigation so the top 6 inches of soil remains moist. Don't allow the soil to dry completely between watering.

7. Brush the soil back from the top of the mini round carrots about 60 days after germination to determine their maturity. Harvest the carrots when the top of the roots develop a full orange or orange-red color, depending on the variety, and the carrots measure 2 to 3 inches in diameter.

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