Friday, April 24, 2015

Avocado Varieties

Bacon avocado


Pear-shaped ovate fruit, green even when ripe.  The skin is green, thin, bright, and sensitive to damage caused by wind. Medium size to large (170-510 grams). Large seed with 61% flesh available. The taste is mediocre. It is a good pollinator for Hass. Large and upright trees used as windbreaks.

Fuerte avocado


Pear shaped fruit with a characteristic neck, though it can vary from elongated with a long narrow neck to round with a wide and short neck. Its skin is thin, green, moderately bright, flexible texture with a somewhat grainy surface. Medium size to large (170-500 grams). Medium to large seed with 75-77% flesh available. Excellent quality flesh, tasty and nutty flavor.

Hass Aguacate


Pear-shaped dark green fruit on the tree that turns purple to black when ripe. The skin has a medium to coarse, rough texture. Small to medium size (140-400 grams). The seed is medium size with 66-70% flesh. Excellent quality flesh with a rich, nutty flavor.

Aguacate lamb-hass

Lamb Hass

Variety recently introduced in Spain. The fruit is very similar to Hass but with wider shoulders and black skin at maturity. Larger fruit and matures later than Hass (June-July). It is more productive, more tolerant to winds, to high temperatures and persea mite than Hass.

Aguacate pinkerton


Pear fruit with a very long neck in temperate climates. The skin is medium thick, similar to Hass, dark green, with protruding granules and easy to peel. Medium size (230-425 grams).  Relatively small seed and 82% flesh. Its flesh has a good quality with a nutty taste.

Aguacate reed


Round fruit with medium to coarse skin, green, corky, slightly grainy and easy to peel. Medium to large size fruit (270-680 grams). The seed is medium to large with a flesh ratio of 71-72%.  Rich, nutty flavor, flesh does not blacken after cutting. It is a very productive variety.

Aguacate zutano


Fruit ovate to pyriform thin-skinned, light green, smooth, shiny and leathery. Medium size fruit (200-400 grams). The seed is medium to large with flesh ratio around 65%. Low to mediocre quality, watery texture and poor taste. In California it is widespread as a pollinator of Hass and in Spain it has also been used as windbreaks.

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